ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPSWith the help of the Maine Community Foundation, we manage several endowed scholarships which together form the heart of our scholarship system. Endowments require a minimum of $10,000 to launch and provide the peace of mind that your legacy will help our students for years to come. This is the preferred method of support for several individuals and businesses.
We are always happy to work with individuals and businesses to pool donations into an endowment which will honor a loved one.
The students, faculty, staff and YCCC Foundation Board would like to thank our endowment supporters:
- A. William Kany Jr. & Anne Kany Endowment
- Kyocera Foundation Scholarship Endowment
- Dr. John Rainone and YCCC Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment
- Dr. Charles M. Lyons Memorial Vet Tech Scholarship Endowment
- George & Shirley Pope Scholarship Endowment
- Helen I. Magnuson Memorial Scholarship Endowment
- Lillian M. Hall Scholarship Endowment
- Mary Ann Rogan Scholarship Endowment
- Partners Bank Scholarship Endowment
- Phillip W. Hussey Scholarship Endowment
- Pratt & Whitney Scholarship Endowment
- Robert E. Ponchak Family Scholarship Endowment
- Rocray Memorial Scholarship Endowment
- Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution Scholarship Endowment
- Sturdivant Island Tuna Tournament Scholarship Endowment
- The Harbor Foundation Scholarship Endowment
- Thomas P. and Frances R. Walsh Scholarship Endowment
- York County Community College Foundation Scholarship Endowment